Wednesday, April 1, 2015

just stay strong and keep on

1 comment:

  1. "Change" if you want to change, exercise and eat.
    "Pretty girls don't' eat" All pretty girls eat, ugly girls don't
    "This could be you in months, keep going" That model eats food, you won't look like her you will look like a dead corpse.
    "I will lose weight, I will resist temptation, I will lose my muffin top, I will have a flat tummy" Yes, that can happen but only if you eat food, the person in this picture is talking about dieting, HEALTHY dieting.

    If you want to be anorexic or are anorexic, I doesn't show people your pretty, it shows people you too goddamn lazy to exercise so you starve yourself until you wake up in hospital...think about that.
